
Dr. Jerry Roberson – Cognitive Strategist & Trusted Advisor

Dr. Jerry is described by his clients as a “regular guy” with a unique skillset. He is authentic, challenging, and truth-filled. Longtime clients refer to him as their “personal secret weapon.” 

Dr. Roberson has studied martial arts since age seven and incorporates many of the principles, universal concepts, and disciplinary practices into his cognitive high performance coaching strategies.

He is known for concluding every session— if it is 10 minutes or two hours by saying,​

“My work is done here for today.

Dr. Roberson works extensively with professional athletes and entertainers. He is credited with elevating the performance of athletes in many different competitive arenas and entertainers on numerous levels. His skillset and consistent genuine interest yields deep connections with these highly visible people. His interactive exercises and stimulating questions create conversations that are sometimes hard to describe by his clients; but, the results are clear to those whom he coaches. His process of revealing what is within to empower that which is external has immediate positive impacts. The awareness and intention is described as the cause agent for athletic prowess and deepened artistic expression.

Additionally, his work continues in the maternal and child health disciplines as a High-Performance Program Evaluator and Project Coach. ​As a master policy strategist and coach, Dr. Jerry has played an integral role in the enactment and the implementation of policy on the state, and federal levels. 

Jerry’s formal education includes a Doctorate of Public Health with two specializations – Social and Behavioral Health, as well as Health Management and Policy from the University of North Texas Health Science Center located in Fort Worth, Texas. He obtained a Master of Arts in Communication Studies with a concentration in Film from Baylor University in Waco, Texas. His Bachelor of Arts in Journalism was earned at Northwestern State University located in Natchitoches, Louisiana.

Dr. Jerry’s spirituality and diverse background gives him a unique perspective as he helps his clients achieve at their optimal level and live into the richness of their true self.

Coaching Concept 
“Transformation is about taking the pain from your past, transposing it into power in your present, and propelling your trajectory into a prosperous future. – Dr Jerry Roberson
