1 on 1

What kind of cognitive strategy is right for you?

Dr. Jerry Roberson specializes in 1 on 1, group and couples strategy sessions. He also offers an Elite Premium Partnership Package giving more direct access to Dr. Jerry as needed by the client. So, which one is right for you? Check out the different options below and if you need more information, email Dr. Jerry at drjerry@drjerryroberson.com. 

1 on 1 Cognitive Strategy Sessions

1 on 1 Cognitive Strategy Sessions

How to get to the “Next Level”?
Strategic development for moving up the food-chain within an organization or a professional discipline. Develops a step by step game-plan to get to the “Next Level”. Big emphasis on performing better. 
Life Strategy
What do you want to do?

​Focuses on identifying personal goals and objectives for any stage in the Life Course. Develops a wholistic game-plan for moving forward.
Transitions Strategy
What’s Next?

Develops a game-plan for getting through major life-changes e.g., graduating from high school or college, becoming an empty nester, suffering the loss of a spouse or loved one, retired and bored, recovering from domestic violence…etc.

Organizational High-Performance Strategy
How to get my business to perform at its optimal level?
​Develop a game-plan with measurable outcomes. Includes frequent accountability monitoring and navigational technical assistance to stimulate the results paradigm. 
Public Speaking Strategy
How do you deliver presentations with confidence?
How to stand and deliver critical messages in an effective and efficient manner. Address and conquer fears about public speaking. 
Courtship Strategy
How do I get him/her to notice me?​

​You’ve identified that special someone. Will develop a game-plan to help you to help them to notice you and to date you.

Couples Cognitive Strategy

Marital Courtship Strategy
Can we live happily ever after?

Develop a game-plan to date with a purpose. Emphasis is on building the foundation for a successful long-term relationship. 
Marriage Strategy
How can we live in bliss? ​​

​How can we get to living our best life, together? Develop a game-plan to navigate the rough terrain of a troubled marriage. 
Divorce Strategy
Do we really want a divorce?

If so, how do we amicably go our separate ways? Deals with determining if the marriage is salvageable. If so, creating a game-plan for repairing the relationship. If not, developing a plan for amicably going your separate ways. 

Co-Parenting Strategy
How do we effectively parent our kid(s) even though our relationship is or has changed?

Co-parenting is a process where two parents work together to raise a child even though they do not live together. 
End of Life Strategy
How do I prepare for the death of a loved one or myself?

​Developing a game-plan for facing, coping, and accepting end of life decisions for self or loved ones.
